Washington Post Crossword Answers


Find the Solutions for your daily Washington Post Crossword Puzzles – we help you solving it!

Based in:Washington D.C.
Releases: Daily
Difficulty Level: increasing from Monday to Sunday
Special: The crossword puzzle on Sunday is the most extensive
Next Game in 
February 2025

Washington Post crossword puzzle solving answers - get your solutions here

Are you solving the latest issue of the Washington Post crossword but now having trouble finding an answer to a question? Or do you just want to look at the crossword answers from a previous issue? Then use our handy table with all the solutions. Through the calendar feature you can easily find the Washington Post crossword of your choice.

You can complete the Washington Post crossword puzzles in the traditional way in the print edition. On the newspaper's website and even via app you also have the option to play all of the orher crosswords.

Look here for more daily solutions of other popular newspapers that may interest you:

The Washington Post - one of the most influential newspapers in the United States of America

The Washington Post is a daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1877 by Stilson Hutchins and has since become one of the oldest, most influential, and most respected newspapers in the United States. It is published daily and has a current average circulation of 597,000. The Washington Post is known for its extensive coverage of political and local events in the United States, but it also has a reputation for its crossword puzzles. In 2013, the Washington Post was purchased by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who is the newspaper's owner and publisher.

The Washington Post crossword puzzle by Evan Birnholz

Evan Birnholz is the Washington Post's crossword editor and has been with the paper since 2011. After well-known Washington Post Crossword Editor Merl Reagle passed away in 2015, Evan Birnholz took over as editor. He is responsible for the crossword puzzles that appear in the paper every Sunday, and he also oversees the other crossword puzzles that the Post publishes regularly. The crossword puzzle he created on Sunday is the most comprehensive puzzle of the week.

Evan Birnholz is an American writer, editor and crossword puzzle maker. He is also the author of numerous crossword puzzle books, including the best-selling book The Crosswords Club. He has been awarded some of the most prestigious awards in the crossword world, including the 2019 Crossword Puzzle Constructor of the Year Award. He is also a member of the Crosswords Club, an organization that promotes crossword puzzle makers.

What crossword puzzles can you play online at the Washington Post?

The Washington Post offers 4 crossword puzzles online, which are available to puzzle lovers every day or only on certain days. In addition to the classic crossword puzzles, the online edition of the Washington Post also offers card games, puzzles, brainteasers and dozens of other puzzle games.

Daily Crossword

The Daily Crosswords come from the LA Times and are provided by Editor Petti Varol and the respective Constructor. Their difficulty level increases from Monday to Sunday. The Sunday puzzles contain more questions than the weekday crosswords. You can also play the crossword puzzle with a friend using the Play Together function.

Daily Mini Crossword

The Daily Mini Crossword is good for quick puzzle fun during your lunch break and is published from Monday to Saturday. The small 5 x 5 puzzles are quick and easy to solve. They are created in the Washington Post by Pete Muller and Andrew White and constructed by Frank Logo. Every Saturday there is the Weekly Meta on top. The Mini Crosswords of the week have to be solved to find the "hidden" answer, which results in the five-word-meta Clue. The answer to the meta clue can be found in the Saturday Mini Crossword.

Sunday Crossword by Evan Birnholz

The crossword puzzle is published every Sunday in the print and online editions of The Washington Post and is one of the most popular crossword puzzles in the English-speaking world. Almost every crossword has a title and its own theme. The difficulty level is medium, so passionate puzzle lovers can solve it well.

Classic Crosswords by Merl Reagle

To pay tribute to the late Crossword Editor Merl Reagle, a Classic Crossword of his is published on Sundays. Again, each Crossword has its own title and is larger than the normal Daily Crosswords.

Muller Monthly Music Meta by Pete Muller

The first Tuesday of every month the crossword is published. It is a monthly music-themed crossword designed to challenge and delight puzzle lovers. The whole crossword is structured as a contest and includes metas that you can submit during the contest.

Fun fact: There is a mega-meta clue hidden in each monthly Muller Monthly Music Crossword and at the end you can find out the year's meta through it and submit it as well.
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