Newspaper Crossword Puzzle Answers

Are you solving a crossword puzzle in your favorite newspaper but stuck with a question? Do you also want to know more information and background about your crossword puzzle? We will help you with the questions and corresponding answers in the crossword puzzles of the most popular newspapers in the English-speaking world. With us you will always get daily updated answers for your crossword puzzle. Just search for your newspaper in the table and get a little help.

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Riddles and other puzzles are one of the most popular hobbies worldwide. A big community has formed especially around crosswords, united by intellectual challenges and their love for words. Since the first crossword was published in 1913 in US-American newspaper New York World it only makes sense that there are so many famous crosswords in North America. With questions like “What makes bargain hunters happy?“ (answer: sale) and “What is this puzzle?“ (answer: hard) the history of the crossword started with and contiues its enthusiasm for riddles and puzzles to this day. While in 2021 New York Times published 820,000 copies during the weekend, Los Angeles Times even exceeded them with 945,000 copies on Sunday. Both newspapers are renowned for their especially tricky crossword on the weekends. So without question, there is a big community of crossword lovers all over the country.

Find the answers to the best newspaper crosswords here

Many Newspapers already offer new online crosswords daily, with different levels of difficulty. Within the english speaking world the most common ones are New York Times, LA Times, The Guardian, The Times and The Sun. Depending on their varying readership each of these newspapers offers crosswords, to which you find the answers on our website. While solving a crossword helps your brain to stay focused and practices logical thinking, getting help with the answers will support the improvement with those puzzles.

The difficulty of the crosswords of LA Times or New York Times for example increases during the week. While you start easy on Mondays, the complexity of the crossword gets more challenging day by day, even for the biggest puzzle lovers. It reaches its peak on the weekend and often leaves blank spots in the crossword. So why shouldn’t there be some hints on the answers? At this point The Crossword Solver steps in.

And we are keeping our promise: You only get to see the answer to the exact question you want to know. While the other answers are blurred, it is up to you to decide, which solution you want to see. You just choose the newspaper you need, find the clues and the direction within the crossword and you decide, which answer you want to reveal. And don’t worry if you missed a day or two. You’ll find the answers from the last couple of months on our website.

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